Thursday, January 25, 2007

Day Twenty-one

this is a picture of the wrigley building (on the left) and the tribune building (on the right) from across the chicago river. i was waiting to pick-up my dear friend ashleigh from work. we used to work together at golinharris and this was my view!! how crazy is that? when i first came to chicago and was interning i would walk out of the building and see that and stand in awe, thinking, "wow, i made it to chicago!" who i am kidding, i still stand in awe :) praise the Lord! i hope i am always in awe.


Anonymous said...

Wow....looks like a postcard!

Ashleigh said...

WOW! I'm so glad waiting for me allowed you to take such a beautiful picture :-) I'm so happy for you and Peter (congrats!) and am so blessed to have you as such a great friend.