Friday, August 3, 2007

Day 204

and tonight was the final night of VBS. it was such a wonderful week! the kids were amazing and learned so much about wisdom, joy, faith and victory in God. i learned just as much as they did! what a blessing to see so many hearts come together to serve the kids - it truly was breathtaking :)
these are the kids from each team that accumulated the most stickers throughout the week for a variety of things including good behavior, sharing and memorizing all the bible verse for each day, etc. our pastors suggested they open their gifts while still on stage and the little guy on the far right, shook his head and said no, he wanted to open his at home haha! so he stood there hugging that gift with all his might - he was so cute i couldn't stand it!

ashley was davey jones and did the most amazing job! i wish there were words to explain it, but she had a fight scene that looked so real it was unbelievable. you would have thought she was a professional actor! i continue to be blown away with the abilities God gives people when they surrender all for Him. simply incredible!

afterwards some of the adults went to dairy queen - shocking, i know :) this is maribel, her birthday is tomorrow so we were celebrating her as well. and believe it or not, this was also her very first DQ! and she loved it, of course.
this is jamie, she is super eager for her DQ! haha!

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